Sr. Sales Compensation Policy Lead, GTMO Compensation
Come be a part of a rapidly expanding $35+ billion-dollar global business. At Amazon Business, a fast-growing startup passionate about building solutions, we set out every day to innovate and disrupt the status quo. We stand at the intersection of tech & retail in the B2B space developing innovative purchasing and procurement solutions to help businesses and organizations thrive. At Amazon Business, we strive to be the most recognized and preferred strategic partner for smart business buying. Bring your insight, imagination and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Join us in building and celebrating the value of Amazon Business to buyers and sellers of all sizes and industries. Unlock your career potential.
Key job responsibilities
- Develop Amazon Business Sales Compensation (ABSC) Policy
- Update and maintain ABSC Policy in-year and during annual planning
- Document Sales Compensation Policy
- Communicate / train sales compensation participants and partners on policy matters
- Partner internally and externally to understand policy needs
- Assist in Sales Compensation Governance by interpreting policy and advocating for policy implementation
About the team
Amazon Business represents an incredible opportunity to address a vast new market segment and customer base. We are focused on building solutions that enable businesses to find, research, and buy products and services from a vast selection, across multiple devices, marketplaces, and regions. Our customers include all types of businesses ranging from individual professionals to small businesses to large institutions (and everything in between). Our business customers have different needs than the traditional Amazon customers so we are reinventing everything from how we display our selection, price our products, and provide the right customer experience.